Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Obama Backs Ban Ki-Moon's Bid For Second Term As UN Chief

The U.S. President Barack Obama has extended support to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in his bid for a second term of office, the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

"President Obama welcomes United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's announcement that he will run for a second term, and the United States supports his candidacy," it said.

According to the White House, under Ban's stewardship the U.N. performed key role of mediator as well as
an arbiter in several vexatious issues all over the globe. A former South Korean Foreign Minister, Ban also broke new ground through steps to recruit more women to the U.N.'s higher echelons. Equally significant was his proposal to slash the U.N. budget by curtailing wasteful expenditure.

The 66-year-old had already won the backing of Britain, China and France. Now with the U.S. too supporting his candidature, his re-election could well become a foregone conclusion.

India had also announced its support to Ban's candidature. Incidentally during the 2007 election, Ban's main rival was the then U.N. diplomat and current Member of India's Parliament Shashi Tharoor.

Ban's current term runs through until December 31.


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