Yes, this is two wheels, not four, but it's two that makes four. Just watch:
Somebody turn a hose on those two cycles, quick! (And no, I don't know why there's Bugs Bunny performing square-dance music on there. Just bow to your partner and roll with it.).
this wreck was "Sur le circuit de Magny-Cours, épreuve du championnat Promosport : deux pilotes chutent et leurs motos s'entremêlent et continuent de tourner au sol!" Exactly what I was thinking.
For those of you who don't read French, our (didn't know we had that, did you? Corporate synergy!) says that means "On the circuit of Magny-Course, test of the Promosport championship: two pilots fall and their motor bikes intermingle and continue to turn on the ground!" The French: masters of the obvious.
Anyway, don't try this at home. Please.
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